Cities: Skylines is a popular city-building simulation game that allows you to create, develop, and manage your own metropolis. One of the most critical aspects of city management is controlling pollution, as it can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of your city’s residents. In this guide, we will explore various strategies and techniques to manage and reduce pollution in Cities: Skylines, ensuring a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable environment for your city. Let’s dive right in!
Understand the Different Types of Pollution
In Cities: Skylines, there are two primary types of pollution: ground pollution and noise pollution. Ground pollution (which also affects water!) is mainly caused by industrial activities , waste management facilities, and power plants. Noise pollution, on the other hand, is generated by traffic, commercial areas, and entertainment venues.
Place Industrial Zones Strategically
When zoning for industry, be sure to place these areas away from residential and commercial zones to minimize the impact of ground pollution on your citizens. Utilize the Natural Resources overlay early on to locate the most suitable areas for specific industries and keep your residential zones away from these (potential) industry zones. Optimize your infrastructure for these industrial zones to minimize trucks driving through your city, further cutting down on (noise) pollution.

Opt for Eco-Friendly Power Sources
Transitioning to eco-friendly power sources like wind, solar, and hydroelectric plants can significantly reduce ground pollution in your city. While these power sources might be more expensive initially, they will pay off in the long run by reducing pollution and maintaining the health of your citizens.

Implement Public Transport
A robust public transportation system can help reduce noise pollution by cutting down on private vehicle use. Invest in buses, trams, metros, and trains to provide your citizens with various transportation options and reduce traffic congestion and noise pollution. Keep in mind that public transport also produces noise pollution, so place your stops strategically.

Upgrade Roads and Utilize Traffic Management Tools
Upgrading roads and optimizing traffic flow can help alleviate noise pollution caused by traffic congestion. Utilize traffic management tools like one-way streets, timed traffic lights, and roundabouts to improve traffic flow and reduce noise pollution.
Plant Trees and Create Green Spaces
Trees and green spaces can help reduce noise pollution. Make sure to include parks, tree-lined boulevards, and green belts in your city planning to provide a natural buffer between noisy areas and residential zones.

Monitor and Manage Waste Disposal
Efficient waste management is crucial to controlling ground pollution. Place landfills, incinerators, and recycling centers away from residential areas and ensure they have easy access to transportation networks. As your city grows, invest in advanced waste management technologies like recycling plants and waste-to-energy facilities to minimize pollution.

Managing and reducing pollution in Cities: Skylines is a critical aspect of building a successful, thriving city. By implementing the strategies and techniques discussed in this guide, you can create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable environment for your city’s residents. So take control of pollution today and watch your city flourish!